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Parent Volunteer Program

Parent Volunteer Program (PVP)

We love families who volunteer!

Rehoboth values community and to help build a stronger school community, the participation of parents and families is needed. Every year we ask each family to give 10 hours of volunteering throughout the school year. Community is built as parents get to know each other and the staff of the school.The family could include the students' extended family such as an older sibling, aunt, uncle, grandparent, etc. 

Studies have shown the positive impact when parents, guardians, or adults volunteer within the school system such as:

  • Attendance rate increases
  • Test scores increase
  • Student behavior improves

In addition, students imitate what they see and lead to students more likely to volunteer when they see parents, guardians, or adults volunteer. Students also feel valued as the adults in their lives get to know their friends, teachers and routines.

How does PVP work?
A list of opportunities will be in the weekly Parent News (sent every Thursday by email) to volunteer. If you need more details, contact Deanna Benson, the Admission Coordinator at: 
If for some reason, you can not find 10 hours during the school year, you are asked to donate $15.00 per hour that was not used for volunteering. This can be paid at the Administration Building or added to your tuition.

As a parent/family volunteer: 
  1. Some assignments will require a background check
  2. Please respect confidentiality of issues regarding students and personnel
  3. Please be dependable and come when scheduled
  4. Follow the guidelines established by the school such as dress code, hours of work, adult behavior, values and all regulations, rules, and policies stated for the school employees and volunteers. Wear clothing appropriate for the task.
  5. Expect the school to be ready for you with instructions and material needed for completion of assignment
Volunteer check-in procedures
  1. Sign in at the school office or the staff in charge of the event when you arrive 
  2. Be sure to wear your volunteer badge
  3. Record your hours when finished (online or paper form)
  4. Sign out when you leave 

Record your Parent Volunteer Hours Here!


We appreciate all our family volunteers! We ask for all parents and family members who volunteer for a RCS student to report their hours by filling out the form.  

Once your hours are reported, we will also update your hours in the Family Portal account where parents can view the total volunteer hours.