Middle School SALT Services and Support
Our comprehensive programming includes educational support services, inclusion services, and personalized supports. Our support services team partners with parents and staff in providing individualized support and instruction to students with unique learning needs.
Grade Level Teams meets to discuss student needs and if needed, students are given Tier 1 supports. These supports are monitored, and students may be given additional support from Tiers 2 and 3. The SALT Director or SALT Teacher leads the Grade Level meetings, which include the administrator, counselor, and general education teachers. Parents who want their child’s needs to be considered are welcome to notify the SALT Director. Supports and interventions follow the three tiers of the Response to Intervention (RtI) model:
Tier 1: Consultation with teachers for classroom-based interventions and accommodations
Tier 2: Supported interventions in the classroom (push-in support)
Tier 3: Direct individualized or small group instruction (pull-out support)
Our highly-trained, caring team provides:
- Support for students who struggle with various academic learning challenges
- Early reading and math intervention
- Support for students with Learning Disabilities (LD), Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), Intellectual Disabilities (ID), Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD), Speech and Language Impairments (SLI), Physical Impairments, and other challenges
- Support for students with social/emotional needs that affect learning, behavior and relationships in the school environment