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Athletics at Rehoboth Christian School is an important part of Christian education in helping students develop intellectual, physical, spiritual, and social goals. Therefore, it is a needed part of the total curriculum and serves a vital role in promoting school spirit and morale.

Our athletic program is one method of teaching the Christian way of competing and the Christian way of life. Our athletes must participate in such a way that honor comes to the team, the school, the Christian community, and our God. Ideals of sportsmanship, fair play, teamwork, and dedication to honor the team and the school should be exemplified by all athletes and coaches.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” -Colossians 3:17 

Middle School Sports

Most middle school sports are part of the exploratory program at Rehoboth Christian Middle School. In exploratory, students can practice and compete in volleyball (7th and 8th only), basketball (7th and 8th only), track, baseball and softball.  In addition, students can participate in recreational soccer during exploratory. Students can also participate in cross country though practices for cross country occur after school, not during exploratory. 

High School Sports

Rehoboth Christian School is dedicated to having a sports program and teaching athletes to develop a Christian perspective on both winning and losing that is consistent with the will of God. Athletics today all too often emphasize winning at any cost. An individual’s, team’s, and coach’s success is often measured by the win/loss record. Winning should be an incidental goal that comes with achieving the primary goal of each participant playing his/her best with the talents and skills given by God. Even losing, then, can present a learning situation. To this end, RCS strives for excellence in its athletes, coaches, and teams.

Contact Athletic Director

  Name Title Group Contact
Adrian Pete Pete, Adrian Athletic Director/ PE Athletics 505-726-9629