Rehoboth Christian Elementary School
The Rehoboth Christian Elementary School creed begins like this: “We go to Rehoboth, a Christian school.” It continues to remind each child that they are created in His own image and he loves them deeply. It concludes with these words from Isaiah 61:3, “We will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of His splendor.” It is our prayer that each child will be challenged to grow to reflect God’s image more clearly and stand tall to display His splendor!
Community is woven into the fabric of the Rehoboth Christian Elementary School. Growing together, sharing our joys and hurts, makes us one big family. Rehoboth Christian Elementary School embraces all cultures. We also continue to embrace the Native American peoples for whom the school’s mission was founded. We are committed to teach and learn the language and customs which we hope will broaden our understanding and respect for all people. Our dedicated staff love Jesus and desire to pass on the hope that Jesus gives to each child who enters our doors. We discipline in love, applying Biblical boundaries set up by the school. We teach forgiveness and reconciliation as active components to healing relationships.
Rehoboth Christian Elementary School Creed
We go to Rehoboth, a Christian school.
We believe in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We believe the Bible is God’s Holy Word which is completely true. It is a lamp to our feet and a light to our path. (Psalm 119:105)
God created me in His own image, and He loves me beyond my imagination (Psalm 139). He calls me by name (John 10:3). He wrote my name on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16)!
At our school, we are each different, but we are one in Jesus. We respect each other and honor the gifts that God has given each of us.
At Rehoboth, we learn that every inch of our world belongs to God! Every subject is His. I will work hard to learn and grow in knowledge and in wisdom.
I will follow Jesus Christ and listen to His voice. He calls me to use words of kindness, to respect God’s creation and all authority, and to encourage and serve the people around me.