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Autumn Newell

Autumn Newell

Autumn Newell
Elem/Mid Art and HS Spanish
Phone: 505-863-4412

When I was born, the announcement was made at Rehoboth Christian High School. I lived with my family on campus at the house currently located at 4343 Hogan Ave. I attended Rehoboth Christian School from kindergarten through my high school graduation. The only years I lived anywhere else were five years of college in Denver at Colorado Christian University and the year I lived in Indonesia after marrying Andy Newell. When Andy and I returned from Indonesia, I got a Master’s in Teaching in just seven “short” years. Most of my real education came from after school programs, downtown children’s ministry, summer mission trips and caring for and learning from my own three children.

I have a great schedule with teaching half days,), a great subject in teaching art,), and I love seeing what the students produce, which is mostly from their own imaginations. I get to work with my dad and other teachers I had when I was in school here at Rehoboth. I feel like I’m home all the time. I like walking to work, greeting students around campus and around town and I like being a part of something that blesses the community.