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Faith Statement

2023 Statement of Faith

Rehoboth Christian School has existed and flourished on the beautiful land of the Native peoples in New Mexico for well over a hundred years, when a school, a hospital, and a church were planted by missionaries of the Christian Reformed Church. In that long sweep of time, our school has grown and changed and made errors, and God has been faithful to us through all of it.


This document provides a brief descriptive overview of how our beliefs influence our mission as a school. Our history plants us in the theological stream of the Reformed tradition of the Christian faith.  We are, by design and delight, a community of diverse beliefs, but these historical roots continue to inform our work at RCS, most explicitly in the following ways:  

We believe that Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God. This means while remaining fully God, He became fully human. In doing so, He humbled Himself to make God knowable, to identify with us, and to redeem us. As staff, like Jesus, we seek to humble ourselves, so that we may serve one another, our students, and their families in a spirit of humility and understanding. Further, we encourage, motivate, and inspire our students to do the same in their lives as a way of bringing God’s love to the world around us.

We believe in a Triune God—that the Godhead is represented by the equal community of God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. This means that we are a community with a posture of humility and seek to live lives of mutual submission.

We believe that God is revealed through the Bible, through the living example of Jesus, and through creation. This means that students have regular, in-depth, academically rigorous exposure to the Bible throughout their years here as well as regular interaction with the beautiful land on which we live and work.

We believe that God is over and in all things. Every living being and every particle of the universe is under God’s control and care. This means that we study and read a huge breadth of topics and sources. Since God is Lord of all, we can learn about this God through the lens of secular books as well as Christian sources.  

We believe that God has offered forgiveness and redemption to all through the willing offering of Jesus on the cross. We want our students to share in the joy and belonging that comes from being part of the Body of Christ because this is the only path to salvation.  This means we continually invite students and parents into the family of God, and we trust that the Holy Spirit will nurture those seeds in His time..

We believe that God still works in the world, calling us into the process of purification and growth and renewal. This means that we teach not just for knowledge, but with the goal of deep, meaningful transformation in each student’s life. One example of where you may see this in practice is in the way discipline is handled at RCS—with the hope of correction, reconnection with community, and face-to-face reparation. We take on difficult conversations and issues with the faith that we will benefit from painful growth.

We believe that we are called to be out “in the world,” rather than protected and hidden away. This means that you may see our RCS students participate in city, state, and Navajo Nation events, caring for  creation, or partnering with students at the nearby public school.  

In gratitude to God for the gift of living and working on this land, we work to teach and model respect for the land and honor indigenous populations. This means that all students will be introduced to the Navajo language and many of the cultural traditions of our local tribes. We see this as an imperative expression of Christ’s love and our healing as a community from past harms. 

To download a PDF file of our “Statement of Faith”, please click here