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Marie Ippel

Marie Ippel
Marie Ippel
7th/8th Grade Science
Phone: 505-726-9675

I  moved to Gallup with my husband Jotham and our three children in 2014 and started to teach 7th/8th grade science in 2017.  When I started to teach, my focus was on early elementary reading skills, but as my own children grew and experienced adolescence, I realized what an amazing season of life mid-school was. I was converted to being a mid-school teacher!  I love to watch my middle school students change and grow in the two short years that I have them. I love their unexpected questions, and the way their growing brains can synthesize ideas in new ways. Class discussions are the favorite part of my day, as students express their new ideas and learn to make more complex connections. 

Teaching science at Rehoboth provides so many opportunities to connect faith and learning.  We are surrounded by beautiful creation, which teaches us about God's faithfulness, love, and creativity.  I love looking out the window and seeing God's goodness, and also looking at the faces of each of my students and seeing God's goodness reflected there as well.