Rehoboth is committed to making sure Christian education is both accessible and affordable for its families. This school year, 81% of our students will receive tuition assistance at an average of $3,750 per student based on financial needs.
There are also many other ways you can partner with our Rehoboth families, teachers, and staff:
Take a look at our Current Needs to see how you would like to help.
Make a Memorial/In Honor Gift
You can make a tax-deductible donation to Rehoboth Christian School as a gift in honor or in memory of someone. Memorial gifts are a thoughtful and tangible way to honor the life and memory of a beloved relative or friend. Gifts can also be made in special honor of celebrations such as milestones, birthdays, or anniversaries.
All gifts made in honor or in memory are published in our quarterly newsletter.
If you wish to make a gift in honor or in memory of someone:
Directly Online:
- Click HERE to be directed to our Memorial Gift giving page
*All non-designated gifts will go towards Rehoboth's Annual Fund and will include who you indicate in memory/in honor of
- Include the name of the individual in the "payment details" step of the online giving process.
By check:
Please make checks payable to: Rehoboth Christian School
Indicate in the "memo" line on the check: who the gift is in memory/in honor of and any specific designation.
Interested in setting up an endowment? Please click the link below to learn more about setting up an endowment scholarship or contact our Director of Advancement, Ken Zylstra at 505-726-9683.
Online with Debit Card:
By Check:
-Payable to: Rehoboth Christian School
-Mail to: PO Box 41 Rehoboth, NM 87322
Electronic Funds Transfer:
-Fill out an EFT Form
-Mail to: PO Box 41 Rehoboth, NM 87322
Over the Phone:
Give us a call 505-863-4412