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Planned Giving

Purposes - planned giving, wills (bequests) and other forms of ‘deferred giving' are established to perpetuate:

  • Rehoboth’s vision and mission, and
  • You, our faithful donors, values.

Why is planned giving important to the donor?

First, just as giving was a priority in life, a planned gift passes on one’s priorities when departing from this life. A "planned gift" goes on giving. Second, while the giver expands his or her legacy, the gift can be structured so that it does not put at risk an individual’s concern that they might not be able to take care of themselves financially during their lifetime.

Why are planned gifts important to Rehoboth?

In some instances, they provide immediate assistance and in others, they help grow an endowment which will over time provide needed tuition support to our families and provide long-term viability to Rehoboth Christian School while promoting the organization’s financial health. In both estate gifts and other planned giving Rehoboth receives assets on the death of the donor and will use it to grow our general endowment (unless otherwise designated). Rehoboth annually uses a portion of the earnings from the endowment's principle for general operations (tuition support). The principle is protected and is invested in perpetuity.

Please contact Ken Zylstra, Director of Advancement, for any questions on Planned Giving to Rehoboth Christian School.  More information can also be found by visiting the sites of the partnering organizations below:

Click here for the Barnabas Foundation.

Click here for the National Christian Foundation.